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Etusivu Ajankohtaista Barriers in mining -seminaari 21.3.

Barriers in mining -seminaari 21.3.

How are effective and durable liners designed?

This free seminar provides expert knowledge on performance of liner structures presented by worldwide known, highly respected grand old man, professor Kerry Rowe from Canada.

Date: Friday 21 March 2025
Time: 8:30 – 16:00 EET

Location: at Aalto University or virtually
Language: English, questions can be made also in Finnish 

Target group: Open to all; especially developers, design engineers, project management consultants, environmental regulators and experts involved in landfill or mining waste area liner projects

Organizers: Finnish Geotechnical Society, Tampere University and Aalto University

Coffee and lunch sponsored by Finnish Mining Association

Topics and speakers:

SMARTTEST – new field test research facility for extractive waste closure planning  –  Päivi Kauppila, GTK 

Keynote lecture 1: Barriers – what they are and how they function? – Kerry Rowe

Water balance of the mining waste areas in Finland  –  Kirsi Haanpää, AFRY

Keynote lecture 2: Contamination transportation and seepage calculation – what is the loading? –  Kerry Rowe

What are mining waste types and their properties  –  Teemu Karlsson, GTK

Keynote lecture 3: Effective barriers for mining waste areas and tailings, examples – Kerry Rowe

How are tailings and mining waste areas operated? – NN

Finnish mining structures  – Anne Tuomela, University of Oulu